- 15300 block of Grove Circle — Report of financial card fraud after the reporting party’s credit cards were stolen earlier in the day. No suspects.
- 9200 block of Pineview Lane — Officers were dispatched to a business fire. The investigation is still on going as to what caused the fire.
- A 38-year-old female was cited for driving after revocation, no proof of insurance and vehicle registration required at Elm Creek Blvd. and Maple Knoll Way.
- 10700 block of 95th Place — A 37-year-old male and 33-year-old male were arrested for an attempted catalytic converter theft and possession of theft tools. Case is pending.
- 7800 block of Berkshire Lane — Report of identity theft where an Amazon account was hacked. No suspects.
- 8900 block of Comstock Lane — A community service officer was dispatched for report on an injured owl. The owl was taken to a wildlife rehab center.
- A 20-year-old male was cited for driving after revocation on the 7000 block of Hemlock.
- 9600 block of Queensland Lane — Officers were dispatched to a burglary that occurred. There are no suspects.
- 11500 block of 86th Ave. — Report of a gift card that was stolen from the center console of the reporting party’s truck which was unlocked in the driveway. No suspects.
- 11300 block of Fountains Drive — Report of a possible shoplifting in progress at the listed business. No suspects.
- 15700 block of 73rd Circle — Report of stolen sunglasses and a garage door opener from an unlocked vehicle in the driveway. No suspects.
- 15900 block of 72nd Place — Officers were dispatched to the listed residence for a burglary of a detached garage where a bottle of beer was stolen. No suspects.
- 16700 block of County Road 30 — Officers were dispatched to a theft that had just occurred. There are no suspect leads.
- A 37-year-old female was cited for theft of 8000 block of Wedgewood Lane.
- County Road 30 and Maple Grove Parkway — A 25-year-old male driver was issued a citation for possession of marijuana.
- 12200 block of Elm Creek Blvd. — Officers were dispatched to a theft of a purse at a grocery store. Case is under investigation.
- A 43-year-old male was cited for window tint to dark, fails to fulfill predatory offender registration and driving after revocation.
- A 44-year-old male was cited for driving after cancellation, displaying another’s plates and possession of drug paraphernalia on the 9300 block of Saratoga Lane.
- A 19-year-old female was cited for theft on the 12900 block of Elm Creek Blvd.
- 9800 block of Hospital Drive — Officers were dispatched for report of an assault by a patient that took place. Case is pending.
- 13300 block of Timber Crest Drive — Report of fraudulent charges on a reporting party’s bank account. No suspects.
- 8000 block of Wedgewood Lane — A 29-year-old male and a 25-year-old male were arrested for theft and possession of burglary tools at the listed business.
- 1800 block of 90th Place — Report of a theft of political signs from a homeowner’s front yard. There are no suspects.
- 8000 block of Wedgewood Lane — Officers were dispatched to a theft in progress. The female suspect was charged via formal complaint.
- 16700 block of 94th Ave. — Officers were called to the scene for two parties yelling at each other in the Sam’s Club parking lot. Unable to locate anyone involved.
- During this time period there were 24 property damage traffic accidents and three property damage injury traffic accidents.
Copyright © 2021 at Sun Newspapers/ APG Media of East Central Minnesota. Digital dissemination of this content without prior written consent is a violation of federal law and may be subject to legal action.
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